Unser Team

Unser Team in „Daarvak Verlag“ besteht aus einer Gruppe von prominenten Schriftstellern, Künstlern und Spezialisten für Soziologie und Studien zur kulturellen Integration, Akkulturation im Bereich von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus verschiedenen Ländern der Welt.

Schriftstellern & Übersetzer 

Grafiker & Bildautoren

  • About the author: Akkram Iranshahi, born in 1978, graduated from Tehran University. She is a university lecturer and writer for children and adolescents. She has written many beautiful stories for children and teenagers. Her area of interest in writing is about childrens behavior, conduct problems in children and Sensitivity education.


  • About the author: Farhad Hassanzadeh was born in 1962. He is one of the famous and popular writers for children and youth. Whose fame has been reaching to other countries and his books have been translated into non-Persian languages too. He has won many book awards, including several Iran’s Book of the Year Awards. He was the Iranian nomination for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in 2017 and 2018. He was a runner-up in the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2018 and finally received the diploma in the award ceremony in Athens, Greece. His novel Hasti has won several awards: winner in the Festival that teens judged, the Silver Sign award of the Flying Turtle Festival and the best book of the year on behalf of Children’s Book Council. He was among the top 6 writers selected for Hans Christian Andersen award and brought its appreciation plate back to his home country of Iran. In June 2022, He has been nominated to receive the 2023 Astrid Lindgern Memorial Award.


  • About the author: Hamidreza Shahabadi was born in 1967. He is one of the famous and popular writers for children and youth. Whose fame has been reaching other countries and his books have been translated into non-Persian languages too. In addition to the numerous awards he has received for his books, including the International Library of Munich Book of Choice and a nomination for the 2023 Astrid Lindgren Award.


  • About the author:  Laleh Jafari was born in Isfahan on 1966. She is one of the famous and popular writers for children and youth. She received numerous awards including»:Hello children« year book ,The book of the» Year of Growth «in (several courses),The selected message of the 100th anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen in 2005 and other awards.


  • About the author: Mostafa Rahmandoost was born in 1950. He is one of the famous and popular writers for children and youth. Whose fame has been reaching to other countries and his books have been translated into non-Persian languages too. He is also nominated for the 2016 Astrid Lindgren Award.


  • About the author:Tahereh Eybod was born in 1963 in Shiraz. She is a writer, satirist, researcher, critic, screenwriter, journalist and lecturer of story writing workshops. She received numerous awards including: Broken Branch, the best work of fiction, Literature Festival of the Ministry of Culture, Garden in a Pot, selected work, Book Festival of the Year, Soroush for Adolescents Magazine, Mr. Charkheshi’s Family, Selected for the White Ravens list by International Youth Library in Munich, Germany, 2005  and other awards.


  • About the author:  Gudrun Wiebke, in Detmold geboren, wuchs in Norddeutschland zwischen Jadebusen, Nordsee und Wesermündung auf. Seitdem liebt sie das Wasser, grüne Weiden und vor allen Dingen die schwarz-weiß gefleckten Kühe. Sie arbeitete in unterschiedlichen Berufen, begann als Lehrerin, danach als Postbotin, Lektorin, … bevor sie sich dem Schreiben zuwandte. Nach vielen Jahren zog sie zurück nach Detmold. Sie schreibt für Erwachsene und Kinder, weil für sie Alt und Jung, Groß und Klein ein Ganzes bilden. Denn: Ohne Erwachsene keine Kinder. Ohne Kinder keine Zukunft. Sie hat einen Ehemann, zwei erwachsene Söhne und vier Enkeltöchter. Die noch kleinen Kinder schenken viel Freude, bereiten ihr aber auch manchmal Sorgen, wenn sie zusehen muss, dass es nicht immer leicht ist, ein Kind zu sein.


  • About the translator: Mostafa Narimani,  ist 1977 im Iran geboren und hat in Isfahan Deutsch mit Schwerpunkt Übersetzung studiert. Er ist 2011 nach Deutschland gezogen und dort an der Uni des Saarlandes sein Masterstudoum für das Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache absolviert. Er arbeitet jetzt in Saarbrücken als DaZ- Lehrer in Grundschule und ist auch gleichzeitig als Übersetzer tätig.
  • About the Illustrator : Amin Soleimani Najafabadi was born in 1984. He is an illustrator, graphic designer and art director. Amin is very interested in working in the field of illustration, he has done many art and illustration projects and is currently working professionally with publishers. He is also a member of the Iranian Graphic Designers Association and selected for several art and design festivals.


  • About the illustrator Maryam Andaz was born in Tehran in 1988, where she studied graphics and built her reputation as a media designer. She has lived in Germany since 2016 and works as an illustrator, graphic designer and art director. She dedicates her heart and soul to her art, with one of her great passions being drawing. She prefers to work with reduced linework in order to approach her projects on an emotional level and thus give them the necessary depth. At the center of her art is the human being, often in combination with humor. In the field of illustration, she has carried out many art and illustration projects. She is currently working with various publishers. She is a member of the Iranian Community of Illustrators and winner of the Bologna Prize in the illustration competition.


  • About the illustrator : Sahar Khaleghi was born in 1988 in Tehran. She is an illustrator, painter, and graphic designer and also, she is a permanent member of Iran’s Illustrators Association. Her works have been exhibited in many countries, including Germany, Poland, Turkey, China, and Ukraine. Furthermore, in 2018, she received a special award of the 5th Gold Panda International Illustration, in China.


  • About the illustrator: Shadi Vedaei was born in Isfahan, she is an illustrator and designer. She is very interested in the field of illustration and has done many projects of illustration professionally. She works with local and foreign publishers ,she has been selected for International illustrators completion ,The Children-spectators Bologna, Italy; Cow International illustration Biennale, Ukraine. Illustrators Wall ,Bologna ,Italy .Belgrade International Book fair,Serbia, Belgrade.


  • About the illustrator : Sina Pakzad Kasra is a concept artist and illustrator working in the film, animation, and video game industry. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in ‘Graphic Design’. While working on animation projects, he decided to continue with his post-graduate studies and earned a master’s degree in ‘Animation’. Studying in this new field sparked his interest in learning about the principles and foundations of filmmaking, which has helped him create more narrative artwork. His artworks have been featured in prestigious publications such as “Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art”, “Digital Art Masters: Volume 9”, and “Prime – The Definitive Digital Art Collection”. Parallel to his career in the entertainment industry, he is pursuing his strong passion for fine arts and is looking forward to future exhibitions to showcase his personal work.
  • Sara Berahman, Postdoc, Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology. Member of the research and production team at Daarvak Publishing.


  • Fatemeh (Neda) Farnia, has a Ph.D. in English Literature from Shiraz University, Iran and is a member of Shiraz University Centre for Children’s Literature Studies (SUCCLS). She has been active in projects at SUCCLS; especially the ‘Picturebook Group’ which worked on the Encyclopedia of Iranian Picturebooks project. In 2018, she got the fellowship from the International Youth Library in Munich to do research under the title of “Studying the Concept of Empowerment in Selected Picturebooks at the White Ravens Lists since 2015”. She has also coauthored two chapters in The Routledge Companion to International Children’s Literature (2018). Her research interests are: empowerment in Children’s and YA Literature, novels, picturebooks and theory of Children’s Literature.


  • Amin Soleimani Najafabadi, was born in 1984. He is an illustrator, graphic designer and art director. Amin is very interested in working in the field of illustration, he has done many art and illustration projects and is currently working professionally with publishers. He is also a member of the Iranian Graphic Designers Association and selected for several art and design festivals.


  • Mostafa Narimani,  ist 1977 im Iran geboren und hat in Isfahan Deutsch mit Schwerpunkt Übersetzung studiert. Er ist 2011 nach Deutschland gezogen und dort an der Uni des Saarlandes sein Masterstudoum für das Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache absolviert. Er arbeitet jetzt in Saarbrücken als DaZ- Lehrer in Grundschule und ist auch gleichzeitig als Übersetzer tätig.