Daarvak.com – Daarvak Verlag UG

Tilsiterstr. 24 – 66121 Saarbrücken – info@daarvak.com – Tel.: +49 (0) 681 / 303 99 236

Membership and Benefits of “Daarvak Literature Department”


  • Free participation in the series of international online conferences by “Daarvak Literature Department.
  • Publication and indexing of books and selected works of member publishers in the department’s seasonal bulletin, distributed throughout Europe and other parts of the world.
  • Introduction of selected authors, illustrators, translators, and experts in children’s and young adult literature by member publishers and agencies.
  •  Invitation to member publishers and literary agencies for the organization of specialized seasonal and annual book conferences and sessions at universities and cultural institutions in Germany and other European locations.
  •  Invitation and organization of specialized workshops in illustration and art related to children’s and young adult literature, featuring artists recommended by member publishers and agencies.
  • Review and analysis of best-selling and special works by member publishers in the “Daarvak Literature Department.”
  • Allocation of a dedicated panel for each publisher, categorizing and branching publishers for the presentation of regional culture and literature on the “Daarvak Literature Department” platform.
  •  Organization of periodic festivals and exhibitions in Europe, specifically for member publishers and literary agencies.
  • Indexing of specialized articles and research by scholars, professors, and students related to children’s and young adult literature, art, psychology, and child sociology.
  • Special support for independent authors, researchers, and artists (illustrators and designers).



  1. Publishers
  2. Independent Authors
  3. Independent Artists (Illustrators, Graphic Designers)
  4. Independent Translators
  5. Independent Editors
  6. Journalists
  7. Researchers and University Professors
  8. Students in publishing-related fields
  9. Honorary Members

Membership Fees

  1. Publishers: One Year: 200 Euros 
  2. Independent Authors: One Year: 50 Euros
  3. Independent Translators: One Year: 50 Euros
  4. Independent Editors: One Year: 50 Euros
  5. Journalists and Reporters: One Year: 50 Euros
  6. Researchers and University Professors: One Year: 60 Euros 
  7. Illustrators and Graphic Designers: One Year: 35 Euros 
  8. Students in Publishing-Related Fields: One Year: 20 Euros

Sie können sich ab sofort registrieren, jedoch werden Ihre Mitgliedschaftsdaten erst im Januar 2024 zur Verfügung gestellt. Als Dankeschön und exklusiv für unsere Pilotmitglieder, die sich im Jahr 2023 registrieren, gewähren wir einen Rabatt von 15% auf die Mitgliedschaftsgebühren.


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