Daarvak Literature Department proudly presents
On April 28th, Daarvak Literature Department (DLiD) hosted nearly 40 people from around the world on Zoom. It was DLiD’s first formal meeting and it was dedicated to Dr. Alain B. Sonyem’s newly published young adult novel, Richter im Nordsüdwestzentrum, by Rediroma Verlag in February 2024.
At the beginning of the session, Mr. Mostafa Narimani greeted the attendees in German and introduced Daarvak Verlag. Later Dr. Neda Farnia continued the session in English by presenting DLiD and its objectives.
Dr. Sonyem, afterward, read some excerpts from the novel and Dr. Farnia read the English translation. After this presentation, Dr. Henri Joel Tatissong made some comments on the novel.
Finally, the session ended by some questions and answers.
DLiD hopes to host other events and accordingly, introduce new ideas and events in the realm of Children’s Literature and arts.